Have you ever thought how dull our world would be without our five senses? Just ask anyone who has lost one of them. Our five senses remind us to live with awareness and a sense of wonder. I am trying to notice and appreciate my world more. Every. Single. Day. And one of the best ways to do that is to stay attune to your five senses. I want to be fully present to the aroma of bread baking and indulge my sense of taste with that first bite, fresh out of the oven… with butter slathered on top. I want to embrace that warm, comforting feeling that all is right with the world, when hugging a grandchild. I want to get lost in the beauty of a sunset and allow it to melt my worries away. I want to stop everything and listen to the crackling fire on a cold night. Our senses are a gift. A reminder to be fully present in the moment and take it all in. However, we often get dullened to them. We forget to notice. To appreciate. To live with a sense of awe.
Mid-January through March is arguably the dreariest time of year here in the PNW. The sky is often gray and cloudy, the earth is dull brown and either frozen solid or muddy. There is no new growth on the branches yet to give us a glimpse of brighter days ahead. It is the time of hibernation. It is also a perfect time to remind myself to appreciate living life through my five senses because beauty can be found everywhere, in any season, if we just pay attention. It is the simple things that can take our breath away if we are aware enough to notice them. We choose how we want to live. To notice…. or not.
An article by Jessica Monet in the May 2021 issue of Bella Grace Magazine captures this sentiment of living in our five senses. Monet created a list of the beautiful little things she wants to “live in.” Her list reminds me to live in the moment and to do more of what we love. It inspired me to consider my own list of what I want to “live in:”
- I want to live in the smell of my fresh herb garden
- I want to live in the laughter of family around the table
- I want to live in the quiet parting of the water as my kayak glides through it
- I want to live in the wind on my face as I whiz along on my bike
- I want to live in the smell of the barbeque cooking while I sip wine on the patio
- I want to live in quiet conversation by candlelight
- I want to live in crisp fall days collecting acorns and pinecones to bring in and decorate with
- I want to live in a really good book
- I want to live in the weightlessness of bobbing in salty waves
- I want to live in a sultry summer afternoon on my back imaging shapes in the clouds
- I want to live in morning snuggles with my grandchildren while their bodies are still limp from sleep
- I want to live in the quiet magic of the first snow fall
- I want to live in colorful fresh picked flowers from the garden
- I want to live in the discovery of a quirky new store
- I want to live in the satisfaction of finishing a creative project that turned out better than planned
- I want to live in the aroma of fresh baked bread
- I want to live in soup simmering on the stove all afternoon
- I want to live in a walking in the rain
- I want to live in the sand, letting it sift through my hand
It is interesting that these little things I want to live in have nothing to do with working, building a career or job success and everything to do with living a life. They have everything to do with feeding our senses and being aware of the stuff that truly satisfies. What do you want to “live in” this year?
On the home front
A couple of weeks ago we were fortunate to be the guests at my nephew’s wedding. The couple chose an intimate ceremony on a cruise boat the first part of January. It sounded chilly to me, but we love this couple, and Mr. U was honored to be asked to officiate. (There is a reason I call him Renaissance Man.) So, we wrapped up and joined the party. It turned out beautiful! The boat cruised slowly down the lake while the guests chatted inside, sipped drinks and had some mouthwatering appetizers. When it was time for the ceremony, the boat tucked into a calm bay with a beautiful backdrop of snow-covered mountains. The ceremony was held on the top deck outside. Loveleee. It just reminded me that life is beautiful, any time of the year, if we are just ready and willing to “live in” the moment.

I challenge you to stop and notice something delightful with each of your five senses every day this week. Better yet, write them down and use them to start your own list of what you want to “live in” during your one precious life. Have a great week!