The Alchemy of Retirement

               Alchemy is the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary. The alchemy of retirement is about transforming the push/pull of work demands and hair-raising commutes into a lifestyle that satisfies our soul and makes us tingle from the tip our grey hair down to the bottom of our bunion toes. Alchemy is defined as “a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation or combination.” So while the transformation of our work lifestyle into an extraordinary retirement lifestyle takes intention and effort, we also need to be open to the magical process of a little alchemy.

People often wonder what we do with all the free time that retirement offers up.   Like pre-retirement life, there are the big plans and milestones that need to be planned for and celebrated, such as a son’s wedding, downsizing to a new home, or preparing for a grandchild to be born.   Then there are the big hairy fun things you decide to do now, just because you are retired and can. I call these the big alchemies of retirement.

Big alchemies:

  • Start a consulting business
  • Take the dream trip
  • Build a wood shop
  • Write a book
  • Buy an RV
  • Open an Etsy shop
  • Train for a marathon
  • Go on a sail boat trip
  • Commit to a volunteer position
  • Start a band

These are all truly wonderful parts of retirement life, however, I can’t help but think that the real alchemy happens in what you choose to do with your ordinary days. How do you walk through your days more alert and ready to be awed. I call these the little alchemies of retirement.

Little alchemies: 

  • Light a scented candle and put on some jazz music while leasurely preparing dinner
  • Lay on your back in the grass, feel the sun on your face and see what formations the roaming clouds create
  • Buy a new set of colorful bowls to stir up something delicious in the kitchen
  • Step out your back door to cut some fresh herbs from the garden to make cold herb butter
  • Pour a glass of wine and enjoy the sunset
  • Sew a new pillow for your favorite reading chair
  • Go on an “Artist Date” as described by Julia Cameron
  • Mix up a cup of cocoa and read by the fire all afternoon…during a week day
  • Go on a bike ride and observe all of the harried people at work
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee and journal at your favorite coffee shop
  • Pour a tub during the middle of a weekday and listen to a favorite pod cast

The beauty of retirement is that we have time to practice the art of living well daily, in the ordinary moments. We get to be the curator of those moments.   And really, that is what life is about, moments strung into hours and then into days, that make up a life.   So, I am on a quest to create more moments in the ordinary days. Because, in retirement, we don’t have to constantly make every minute count just to keep from getting behind. Experience life’s moments with all of your senses tuned up. Extraordinary moments curate an extraordinary life. One that transforms our stressed out harried work lives into a retirement lifestyle that feeds our souls. So, practice a little alchemy this week.

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