Homemade Pesto

The smoke from the wildfires here in the Pacific Northwest is “thick as pea soup,” as my dad would say. It makes me really appreciate the fire fighters. Hopefully we will get some rain this week to help out the situation. You know it is bad when I am hoping for rain.

The basil in the garden is coming to an end and needs to be used, so it is a great week to make some pesto. I have a favorite tried and true recipe from Country Home Magazine (2006) that is quick and easy to make.

You can tell I have used this recipe a lot.

I have tried walnuts instead of the pine nuts for a little less expensive version. It is still good, but I think the pine nuts add the best flavor. Be sure to use a good quality olive oil.

I like to freeze the pesto in ice cube trays. Once frozen, you can toss them all into a freezer bag. Similar to what we did when we made homemade baby food years ago. Health conscious, crazy parents that we were.


So simple and easy to make.
Ready to be thrown in a freezer bag and used later with pasta or mixed with mayo for a sandwich.