Let the Season Begin

Frost is in the air, the red kettle bell ringers are outside the stores and Amazon deliverers are working overtime. Yep, tis the season. Every year I promise myself that I will keep the season simpler. Let it be about the reason we celebrate. Let peace reign and heal our fractured souls. Let love wrap us in its warmth during this holiday of good will, generosity and kindness. Allow the season the space needed to do its magic.

Unfortunately, Christmas has lost a little bit of its magic since stores starting stocking Christmas items before Halloween and IG influencers’ holiday decorating posts are already stale. (Please don’t ask me how I know these things.) All in the name of commerce. I really try to ignore these overly anxious promoters. After all, they are just trying to make a living. But the struggle is real.

One way I do this is to hold fast to my rule to wait until after Thanksgiving to play Christmas music and decorate the house. But after Thanksgiving, it is full on Christmas. Every year I take the long weekend after Thanksgiving to decorate for the holidays. This is a carryover from when I was working full-time, and it was the only stretch of time available to spend two full days taking down fall decorations, cleaning and then putting up the Christmas ones. So last weekend, I put on the Christmas music, lit a candle and went to work.

Kicking off the season

In our small town tucked up in the pines of the PNW, the season kicks off every year with a Christmas light parade and fireworks. This year, we were invited to view the festivities from a friend’s deck overlooking the city and lake. The light parade was festive, and the fireworks were heart stopping.

The fireworks are let off over the lake while Christmas music blasts from huge loudspeakers.

Decorating the house and enjoying the downtown festivities were wonderful ways to kick off the season. May we all remember to take time to exhale and feel the spirit of Christmas in the next few weeks.