Summer Break

We all need a break from the routine and commitments of life, even in retirement. Similar to how kids and parents look forward to the freedom that summer break brings – liberation from the schedule constraints of school and the extracurricular activities. I have been writing a blog post every week for the past two years. The very first post was published in July 2022 with the title What next? I write to capture life in retirement, hopefully inspire others on this journey and to remind myself of the things I need to hear. It has been a pleasure, but it has also been a commitment. Granted, just a commitment I made to myself that I enjoy, but a commitment none the less.

I admire bloggers who have been writing for years. Writing a post and coordinating photos to go with it takes a lot of time. I love doing it, but sometimes it takes away from living the very retirement life that I planned on. So, I am giving myself a “blogcation,” for the month of August. It will allow me some extra time to get a few projects done that I have been putting off, enjoy some play time and a chance to reprioritize how I want to spend these precious retirement years.

If you would like to be notified via email so you know when my next post comes out, please sign up for my newsletter. It isn’t really a newsletter; you just get an email letting you know when a new post is out. No advertising or other junk, I promise. I will also try to post a little more on Instagram if you would like to follow along there at: theretiredalchemist. The IG link is also on my blog home page.

Happy summer break my friends!