Happy Thanksgiving to You

The turkey is stuffed and in the oven. The table is set, and the football game is on. When the kids were little, I always placed three kernels of Indian corn on each plate. Before we ate, we went around the table and shared three things we were thankful for the past year. While they rolled their eyes when they sat down and saw the three little corn kernels sitting between them and the feast, I think they also appreciated it. One of the first Thanksgivings that son #1 was away from home and cooking himself, he sent me a picture of one of their plates with three corn kernels on it. It is the little things that make a mother heart stop.

Three kernels of corn to represent three things I am thankful for this year.

Family was always at the top of everyone’s list. So, in keeping with the corn kernel tradition, I am sharing three things I am thankful for this year.

  • Family. Duh – it is on the top of the list every year.
  • Health. As we get older, we come to appreciate this even more.
  • You. I appreciate your sticking with me through my musings on retirement life that I share in this blog.

So happy Thanksgiving to you dear reader. And a belated happy Thanksgiving to those of you in Canada who celebrated last month. I am grateful that you are willing to take some of your precious time to read my humble little blog and share comments. Have a wonderful day enjoying friends, family and lots of nap inducing food!

Here in the Northwest, we don’t just eat turkeys, we frequently have to wait for them to cross the road.
Sometimes I feel like we have more turkeys than people. Or perhaps there are just getting to be more people that act like turkeys. I get confused.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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